• June 6, 2024
    Title: Gewaltvorfälle in Deutschland: Expertin zu Hass im Netz
    Source: ORF III Aktuell

    Stephanie Bührer was interviewed by the Autrian National Broadcaster ORF about how online hate campaigns unfold.
  • May 14, 2024
    Title: Cybermobbing: Experte im Talk
    Source: ORF Studio 2

    Jörg Matthes was interviewed by the Autrian National Broadcaster ORF about the growing phenomenon of cyberbullying.
  • March 18, 2024
    Title: Warum attackieren wir andere im Internet?
    Source: Kurier

    Kevin Koban was interviewed by Austrian daily newspaper Kurier about the topic of digital hate campaigns.
  • February 17, 2024
    Title: Hass im Netz: Warum die Trolle nicht gewinnen dürfen
    Source: Der Standard

    Stephanie Bührer was interviewed by Austrian daily newspaper Der Standard about the motivation of perpetrators and internet trolls in the context of online hate.
  • November 20, 2023
    Title: Schlachtfeld Social Media
    Source: ORF kulturMontag

    Jörg Matthes gave an interview for the Austrian National Broadcaster ORF kulturMontag about the role and impact of social media on the rise of online hate.
  • November 6, 2023
    Title: Hass im Netz: Befeuert Social Media Konflikte?
    Source: PULS 24 News (available in German only)

    PULS 24 invited Stephanie Bührer for an interview about the role and impact of social media on the rise of online hate.