Welcome to the Website of the ERC Project DigiHate!

Situated within the Advertising and Media Psychology (AdMe) Research Group at the Department of Communication of the University of Vienna, the European Research Council-funded project "Digital Hate: Perpetrators, Audiences, and (Dis)Empowered Targets" (DIGIHATE) delves into reasons, perceptions, and consequences of hateful online actions across several involved actors. Given the complex field of study, the project understands itself as multi-disciplinary (by involving, e.g., communication science, psychology, computational social science), multi-methodological (by combining, e.g., quantitative, qualitative, and computational paradigms), and multi-contextual (e.g., by addressing digital hate across four countries: Austria, France, Hungary, and Sweden). In this way, DIGIHATE aims not only to exceed the current state-of-the-art in a significant manner. Its findings will also contribute to building and maintaining dignified societies in the digital world.


The Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication has just released a new...


Information, Communication and Society just released a new article by...


The journal Trauma, Violence, & Abuse recently pubished a new paper on...


We are delighted to announce that Giao recently joined our project team as...


Our project team received two Top Paper Awards at this year's AEJMC annual...


The DigiHate team was honored with two awards at this year's annual...